Meet Karin

Karin Hoyo

Why does one become a matchmaker?

Why would any person choose to be a matchmaker? I often asked myself that question. It is not a conventional career path and certainly not one you can go to university to study.

In my case, there are two main reasons that led me on my journey to becoming an elite matchmaker.

The first is my love of people, discovering and getting to know new people, understanding what makes them unique, engaging with them and creating unique moments that are unforgettable, and which ultimately define our lives.

The second reason was my own marriage. The really good thing that came from this marriage was my beautiful daughter. Maybe also another good aspect of my marriage was a lesson for a lifetime that guides me in all my decisions and relationships up until today.

What I learnt?

Following the passion of the moment without listening to your inner self, failing to take into account what YOU want or what is good for you, or even a lack of clarity on who you really are and what type of partner is best suited for you can lead you to a monumental disaster.

In my case, it was not only a monumental disaster but also a relationship that took me on a very dangerous path.

From being a quite innocent and well-intentioned young woman wanting to build a new life and a happy family in a sunny country, I ended up married to a drug dealer, spending many hours interrogated in various police stations, and ultimately homeless, and without any money, with my daughter walking the streets of Southern Spain.

Lesson number one

When you don’t go into relationships with your eyes wide open, you will most likely be very surprised at some point. You will also end up asking yourself “how on earth did I get here?”.

My daughter and I were lucky. I had a good friend that let us stay with him for many months while I rebuilt myself and got the money together to start over again, one step at a time.

My traumatic marriage ultimately enlightened me to understand who I was, and still am today, as well as make a pact with myself; never let my illusions and dreams stand in the way of my better judgement as to what is good for me. The price is usually very high if you let that happen.

And here is where my journey in the world of matchmaking begun. I am on a mission to help as many people as possible avoid the pitfalls of bad relationships. I have been on this journey for over 20 years. As for all career paths, it all started in a somewhat eclectic manner. For 14 years from 1980 to 1994, it was free of charge and as fun amongst friends, friends of friends until one day I thought it was time to build up a business out matchmaking, not just for the money, but to create a matchmaking agency like no other and help as many people as possible.

The Matchmaking Agency

In 2010, I decided I should build up my own matchmaking agency due to my success and getting encouraged by lots of people. Already then, I realized that the growing virtualization of our world would ultimately lead to a world where people would struggle to connect, and meeting partners would become increasingly difficult.

The recent pandemic has accelerated this trend, and I cannot even count the number of disaster stories I have heard from friends and clients who have met potential partners through online dating services. No real filters are applied and basically, today meeting a person online is a lottery or like going to the casino. Your chances of winning and meeting the right partner are slim. The odds are against you.

Sometimes it’s more like Russian roulette. You can meet someone that is potentially dangerous for you.

Now I look at the global online dating sector as a trap for well-intentioned people who don’t want to be alone, but who cannot meet anyone if they don’t use such services. The traditional places where people meet as no longer there the way they use to be.

On my way to building A touch Of Class, The Elite Matchmaking Agency, I have been pretty busy. Dealing with people is a full-time job. Finding the ideal partner requires a lot of research time and dedication to understanding who your clients really are and what they need.

I was also a mother and needed to provide a good home, make sure she was getting the best so that one day when grown up, she would make the right decisions and have her chance for a great life. I am also an interpreter specialising in German, Spanish, English, Italian translations. I also Founded my own real-estate company and successfully ran it for over 10 years.

I found the same satisfaction in engaging with people on a daily basis and always kept the matchmaking business going on simultaneously. But now, the time has come to dedicate myself solely to helping people find their ideal partners.

Matchmaking Agency
A Touch of Class

My Passion

Today, my passion is to find the ideal life partner people rightfully deserve. So, when I started A Touch Of Class, The Elite Matchmaking Agency, in 2020, my objective was to do something completely different from all the dating services people are currently using to find their ideal life partners. Why? Because they don’t.

That’s why I offer no Apps, nor shortcuts!

We believe more traditional ways are far more effective. I take the time to know you one-on-one to understand what you are really looking for. My tailored services rely on extensive research, in-depth profiling and ongoing support to ensure that you meet the person who is ideally suited to you.

Through a lifetime of de, I started in 1980 to 1994 as fun amongst friends, friends of friends until one day I thought it was time to build up my business but not just a business like any other. In 2010 is when I decided I should build up my own matchmaking agency due to my success and getting encouraged by lots of people. I will be the first in the Matchmaking industry accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment.

Through a lifetime of closely dealing with so many different types of people, I developed a unique insight into relationships and character compatibility. I probably had a natural predisposition for this, but life experiences and the desire to systemise my ability to help people definitely allowed me to take matchmaking to the next level.

My Mission

I serve all communities with a special focus on the growing needs of the LGBT community. Ensuring you will meet your ideal partner is my mission.

My high-end Matchmaking agency is based in London, UK and is expanding rapidly to other countries. My exclusive services are dedicated to help you find the life partner you know is out there waiting for you. Consequently, the Agency’s services are fully tailored to each one of my clients.

I achieve high success rates by relying on a unique and powerful combination of best-in-class matchmaking, one-on-one coaching, research and psychology, and a growing database of outstanding people.

What drives me is the eternal truth that often helps us get through life; finding love makes sense of everything we do. Love and being with the right partner define all our lives. Yet it is the biggest challenge in people’s lives, even more so today, in a changing world that is becoming ever more virtual.

Karin's Mission
Whether you are single, dating, or in a relationship, we often believe finding real love and affinity with that one special person is about luck. What we have witnessed so many times is that meeting the right person is also about psychology and identifying compatible character traits.
I bring science and research into love, relationships and affinity in order to break down the barriers that stand between you and finding your truly ideal partner.
I believe there is always a match for every person I meet. The choice of founding an elite matchmaking agency was to grow the chances that my clients would really meet the ideal partner. It can be a long process at times, but I believe in staying with the client for as long as it takes to find that one person that will make all the difference.

Wherever love takes you,
we will support you in your journey.

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